Wednesday, March 7, 2012

In our house we love to share

Teaching a child the concept of sharing can be a long, hard and sometimes painful task. When I was teaching the Nursery age children (18mo-3yr) at church, I read some material that helps the teacher understand little kid development. It mentioned that most 18mo-3yr olds do not understand the concept of sharing but it was the perfect time to teach them what sharing is. I understand the little mind - "It's all about me!!!!". There have been many times I have thought that older kids don't get this concept either. I was wrong.

Now it seems that we have mastered the "sharing thing" quite well in our home, especially over the last few days. Sunday afternoon, with no warning at all, Ada decided to get the stomach flu. She is such a wonderful sister that she decided to share this lovely package of germs to her younger siblings. Yep - yesterday Travis, Abby & Elyssa joined the"barf bucket, candy canes, 7-up and saltine cracker club".

It's odd because I thought that if your kids learn to share my life was supposed to get easier. Ha! I have made countless trips up and down the stairs to restock "barf center" supplies and to keep the laundry going. Plus, trying to de-germify the house. My hands are raw.

Best part - if there really was one - is being home and loving on my kids while they are sick. It is yet another realization on how much I love being a mom and taking care of my kids. So, thanks Ada for sharing this with the family. We'll get better soon and life will be back to it's crazy normal, but I will enjoy this mom moment while I have it.

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